Planning and managing complex shift patterns can be a nightmare. Not anymore. With Timestandard you have the most powerful, flexible, and easy-to-use shift planning and monitoring system right at your fingertips. From same shift every day to different shift every day or any shift rotation required - at the click of a mouse. Now you – managers and employees – know exactly who is in control. Even if they don’t know that you’re dragging and dropping from the sofa.
View and manage shifts and rates for employees, sites, departments, divisions or regions and see a detailed breakdown of time slots down to the minute. Integrate with individual, department or global calendars, providing a source of up-to-date shift information to both staff and managers alike. Set up to 10 pay rates per employee, with rates applied automatically when each employee clocks in.
Handle continental shift patterns, rotating shift patterns, split shifts and multiple forms of overtime without breaking a sweat. Choose to work with the stunningly simple graphical interface or switch to analogue for high speed shift management. Simply drag and drop to assign an employee or group to a shift and make changes before, during, or after shifts without ever affecting data integrity.
Wherever you have access to the web, you can view, manage and edit the system with any changes to site rotas updated in real-time for all authorised system users to see